Impact Teen Drivers from California Casualty


California Casualty's support of the Impact Teen Drivers program is our way of saying to the world, "Enough is enough. Help us combat the #1 killer of teenagers in our nation today; reckless and distracted driving." It's about more than just customers of California Casualty.

Did You Know?

  • In 2007, nearly 5000 13- to 19-year-old drivers died in wrecks.
  • In the United States, one in four crash-related deaths involves someone 16 to 24 years old, doubling any other age group.
  • In a national survey 20% of first year drivers reported at least one crash, while nearly 3% experienced 2 or more impacts.
  • The crash fatality rate is highest within the first 6 months of driving for 16- to 17-year-olds.
  • Approximately two-thirds of teen passenger deaths occur when other teenagers are driving.
You can help California Casualty Impact Teen Drivers
Even if you're a teen yourself, we want to hear from you! California Casualty, and Impact Teen Drivers encourages all teens who wish to tell their stories about the importance of safe driving are encouraged to through video, art, music, written word or even applications. The choice is yours, and every bit helps!

When does Impact Teen Drivers come near you?
We are currently rolling out our programs in 27 states to take our message to schools and youth events, and continue to engage teens via our website, our Facebook page and our YouTube channel. Make sure you check back with us in our Impact Teen Drivers section to find out about the next round of programs on the schedule. We're adding more all the time.

Support from California Casualty for Impact Teen Divers is an issue that should not be taken lightly as it affects thousands of lives every year. Help us make everyone on the road a little safer!


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