We Protect American Heroes

We Provide Peace of Mind Through
Tailored Protection

Who We Serve

We're Here to Provide Protection for American Heroes

Our mission is to provide protection and peace of mind for the people who serve our communities. We provide special benefits tailored to the unique needs of educators, higher education employees, firefighters, peace officers, and nurses.

Educators and Educational Support Professions
Educators and Educational
Support Professionals

You make a difference. We make it different.

While you're cultivating the minds of future generations, we have your best interests at heart. Now is the time to learn why our auto and home insurance makes the grade.

Higher Educational Employees
Higher Education Employees

You prepare our future leaders. We're prepared to meet your needs.

While challenging the minds of your students, you don't have time to be challenged by insurance. We are here to help you find the right auto and home insurance coverage to meet your needs.

Firefighters and EMS
Firefighters and EMS

You respond to our calls. We respond to your needs.

When being first on the scene is a job requirement, you don't have time to worry about your auto and home insurance. Let us answer the call when it comes to protecting what matters to you.

Peace Officers
Peace Officers

You're there when we need you. We're here when you need us.

When protecting our community is your priority, you deserve a trustworthy partner for your auto and home insurance needs. Let us be your back up.

Nurses and Nurse Practitioners
Nurses and Nurse Practitioners

You make decisions fast. We make deciding easy.

When thinking quick on your feet is a job requirement, your auto and home insurance tends to be the last thing on your mind. But, now is the time to rethink your coverages.

Ready to get a quote?

Get a quote online or speak with a trusted representative by calling 1.866.680.5143.