Temporarily on Hiatus

Thank you for your interest in the Thomas R. Brown Athletics Grant; however, the program is currently on hiatus.


It's said that when one door closes another door opens.


Music & Arts Grant from California Casualty

Apply today for the Music and Arts GrantAnnoucing our nationwide launch on February 1, 2019.


The Music & Arts Grant helps public K-12 schools whose music and arts programs are in jeopardy or in great need of funding.


Refer a music or art colleague. Apply today!


To learn more about the Music & Arts Grant from California Casualty and to apply, go to www.CalCasMusicArtsGrant.com.

2018 Award Recipients

Somersworth Middle School

See all Athletics Grant award recipients
2018, 2017, 2016, 2015,
2014, 2013, 2012, 2011